Teeth whitening in Badlapur

A bright white smile is essential for self-confidence. It may be tough to achieve a brilliant white grin even with adequate oral hygiene. Here are a few frequently asked questions from our patients at Rathod dental clinic and implant center related to teeth whitening treatment.

Why is teeth whitening treatment required even after regular brushing?

Regular brushing can help you remove plaque and food particles stuck between the teeth but as we eat and drink various foods, they tend to make the teeth appear less white. Teeth whitening can help you remove the stains and discoloration on your teeth and make them appear whiter.

Does teeth whitening work?

Yes, teeth whitening works.

How much whiter will my teeth appear?

How much whiter your teeth will become is determined by their current health and color. Teeth that are yellow in color respond better to whitening than teeth that are brown in color. Teeth that are grey or purplish in color may not respond to whitening at all. The degree of whitening differs from person to person with all sorts of bleaching techniques. It also relies on the state of the teeth, the type of stains, the bleach concentration, and the length of time the teeth are whitened.

Can teeth whitening cause harm to teeth?

Teeth whitening is completely safe when done by a professional. It is always better to get teeth whiteni9ng done by a dentist rather than trying a DIY at home. But if you want to try teeth whitening at home, ask your dentist for a good at-home kit and instructions on how to use it safely.

Will teeth whitening impact my fillings, crowns, and veneers?

Whitening does not impact the color of veneers, crowns, or fillings in the same way that it affects natural teeth. It will, however, clean and restore the color of the fake teeth. If you're having a crown, bridge, filling, or fake tooth, we recommend whitening your teeth first so the dentist can better match the color.

What measures should I take to keep my teeth white after teeth whitening?

1. Rinse your mouth after eating or drinking to prevent food from staining your teeth.

2. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once.

3. Avoid eating or drinking anything that will discolor your teeth. If you want to drink something that will stain your teeth, use a straw so it doesn't come into contact with your front teeth.

4. Brush or rinse your teeth quickly after eating or drinking staining foods.

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